Here are highlights from another of the sessions at the Triiibes Flow Ventura Retreat March 16-18 2012, “The Flow of Community: Values, Communication and Business Leadership Flow in community by Dr. Ed Brenegar, Ph.D.
To illustrate his point, he showed a video interview with Talia Leman. Leman, 15, is the founder of RandomKid. This video is from her talk at TEDxYSE: Unleashing Young Social Entrepreneurs on November 13th, 2010.
Key to moving or shifting from a network to a community is making a connection and elevating values. How? Brenegar starts with a story about the six lessons from Johnny Bunko by Daniel Pink:
1) there is no plan
2) think strengths not weaknesses
3) it’s not about you
4) persistence trumps talent
5) make excellent mistakes
6) leave an impact
In a contest, Brenegar offered that the 7th lesson be “Say thanks everyday.” He lost out to “Stay hungry” by Becky Blanton, thanks to support by Seth Godin who motivated his community to vote for her.
But Ed won too–he ended up with a transformation strategy he calls the 5 actions of gratitude; he posted this chart on his site:
1) Say Thanks–tangibly!– Everyday
Use notecards and send them out all the time. If in doubt, send one! This connects you with the person.
2) Give Back
It’s more than money, it’s time.
3) Be welcoming
4) Honor Others
5) Create Goodness
Some questions to consider…
Who are we impacting?
You do what you can do the best you can and invite others to do the same. The more we learn about how to do that the better we will all be.
What opportunities do we have?
What keeps our community from creating the impact we desire?
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Tags: business leadership, Ed Brenegar, Seth Godin, transformation strategy, Triiibes Retreat 2012