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Tag Archives: Jeannie Mai

HDIL Jeannie Mai’s Women’s Conference Video

3 Dec

In October, I was a speaker at the 2010 Women’s Conference organized by First Lady of California Maria Shriver.  I was selected for a makeover by The Style Network and featured on the Main Stage at the Village in a segment produced by  “How Do I Look” staff and hosted Jeannie Mai.

Above is a 3 minute video about the segment of the Women’s Conference featuring Jeannie Mai and which includes footage of yours truly as well. So for all those people who have been clamoring to see me as a brunette, here you go!

(FYI: I hated the brown hair and the style they gave me. It looked fine the night of the reveal but I couldn’t do anything with it and the color was flat and horrible on me–I’m a natural blond with lots of red. Fortunately, the Style Network agreed to pay Erika Harding at Architexture to remove the brown; Erika also gave me another haircut. One of these days I’ll write more about it…but for now, I’m still recovering.)

The Women’s Conference: waiting & watching from afar

26 Oct

Yesterday was a “Day Of Transformation and Healing” and “A Night at at the Village” at the Women’s Conference.

What an absolutely amazing event; unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to attend. I had to leave Deepak Chopra’s talk early for a rehearsal; the rehearsal was scheduled after his talk but I was told I was needed immediately–which was not even close to the truth and which meant I sat in the convention hall waiting around for 90 aggravating minutes. I couldn’t even get online to hear the rest of his talk on the Women’s Conference website. I promise to get my notes turned into a blog post as soon as possible.

Above is a photo of “How Do I Look” host Jeannie Mai during rehearsal. Her glasses are so clear you can put your finger right through (but you might poke her in the eye so be careful!). It’s all about style she told me. We also talked about Vietnamese food and I invited her to visit with me the An Lac Mission Buddhist Temple in Ventura in February for a huge festival celebrating the visit of the Jade Buddha.

When the rehearsal was over, I wasn’t allowed to stay at the convention center: I had to leave my car there and be driven back to the hotel where I had to stay with the other women in one of two hotel rooms until I was called in almost four hours later for my hair. I couldn’t even go to my own room.

At least today I thought (more…)

So “How Do I Look?”

25 Oct

Today was the BIG DAY, the day of the Style Network “How Do I Look” show’s big reveal of myself and three other women at the Women’s Conference in Long Beach, California.

It was also the “Day of Transformation and Healing” at the Women’s Conference with lots of amazing speakers including Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins.

Unfortunately, I was only able to get a very small taste of the  Women’s Conference. (More on that in a later blog post; a blog post from my notes from the opening session with Deepak Chopra will be posted soon).

My experience with the Style Network brought me quite a few surprises: on Sunday, I went from a natural blond to a brunette and on Monday, during the segment on the Main Stage in front of a thousand or so people, they gave me $1500 worth of office furniture (!) and a week’s worth of professional clothing.

And I was able to hand a copy of my new poetry book, Middle of the Night Poems From Daughter to Mother:: Mother to Son” to Maria Shriver who is a mother to four children herself (two boys, two girls) and who recently lost her own mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.

So “How Do I Look”? Decide for yourself! (more…)

Write Alley Coach Auditions for Style Network Make Over

18 Aug

Yes, it’s true: tomorrow I will drive to Los Angeles to “audition” for “How Do I Look?” –a show on the Style Network hosted by Jeannie Mai. (more…)

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