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The Check Came in the Mail!

29 Oct

Last Friday, I was thrilled to receive my new books, bookmarks, and business cards from the printers.

This Friday, I am thrilled to receive a check from E! Entertainment for One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars And 00 Cents!

That check will go a long way toward getting my new business The Write Alley Coaching and Writing Strategies and my new book Middle of the Night Poems From Daughter to Mother :: Mother to Son off the ground!

Wow! It’s still hard to believe! I was shocked when “How Do I Look” host Jeannie Mai announced on stage at The Women’s Conference that I would be receiving $1500 of office furniture. Then when segment producer Sonia told me a check for $1500 was on its way and I could spend it how I liked to help my business, I was even more shocked! Really? Wow!

And today here it is–a check for $1500! Can you see me doing my happy dance to Tom Tom Club?

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