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Tuesday Tips: Get Your Writing Going

2 Nov

In an article published on Copyblogger yesterday, fellow writing coach James Chartrand points out that for most writers, once we get going on a writing project, we know what we’re doing and we’re confident we have the tools and strategies to put together a polished product.

(Need help on developing strategies so you know your writing is right? Contact us–we’d love to coach you to confidence!)

But we all have to face that “blank” page that often chases the best ideas out of the most seasoned writer’s brain. We all write that “shitty first draft” as Anne Lamott puts it in her essay from Bird By Bird (you can read it here). Then we revise and revise it into something we’re willing to put our name on.

(And yes, we at The Write Alley can help you develop revision strategies, too!)

The biggest hurdle is getting started, getting going. Once I’m going, stay out of my way! Until I get on a roll, I struggle with the same challenges as Chartrand discusses–and I bet you do too.

So here are three strategies that will help you get your writing going: (more…)