Tag Archives: Middle of the Night poems

two reviews for “middle of the night poems”

21 Dec

Here are reviews by Frankie Drayus and Danika Dinsmore of my new poetry collection,  middle of the night poems from daughter to mother :: mother to son (en theos press). A few more signed and numbered limited edition (108) chapbooks are available from me or from the publisher; regular paperback books will be available on my birthday January 11, 2011 and at readings now being scheduled for winter, spring, and summer.

reviews for "middle of the night poems from daughter to mother :: mother to son" In her review of middle of the night poems from daughter to mother :: mother to son (en theos press), Frankie Drayus writes: In these poems there is a deep connection to all five senses and how they figure into daily life; what we eat, see, touch, hear, and smell while going about our daily tasks are overlooked by most and captured as significant pleasures by Gwen, who lives with her body open to the sensual. These are humble poems, in that the w … Read More

via art predator

Accidental Novelist Reviews Middle of the Night

18 Nov

Here’s a review of my new poetry collection, Middle of the Night Poems From Daughter to Mother :: Mother to Son (en theos press 2010) by Danika Dinsmore on her blog The Accidental Novelist. As you can imagine, I’m excited–it’s my first published review and it’s certainly positive! Thanks, Danika!

Please let me know if you’d like to publish a review!

Gwendolyn Alley's Middle of the Night Poems I know I’m not the only one who has been urging Gwendolyn Alley to publish a collection of her poems. And now she has done it, created a moving story, over years of participating in the 3:15 Experiment, with this collection of poems from the middle of the night for her mother and young son. I met Gwendolyn at the Taos Poetry Circus in 1997. At that time, The 3:15 Experiment had been running for four years and had been growing each year. The Taos … Read More

via The Accidental Novelist (Writes Again)

The Check Came in the Mail!

29 Oct

Last Friday, I was thrilled to receive my new books, bookmarks, and business cards from the printers.

This Friday, I am thrilled to receive a check from E! Entertainment for One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars And 00 Cents!

That check will go a long way toward getting my new business The Write Alley Coaching and Writing Strategies and my new book Middle of the Night Poems From Daughter to Mother :: Mother to Son off the ground!

Wow! It’s still hard to believe! I was shocked when “How Do I Look” host Jeannie Mai announced on stage at The Women’s Conference that I would be receiving $1500 of office furniture. Then when segment producer Sonia told me a check for $1500 was on its way and I could spend it how I liked to help my business, I was even more shocked! Really? Wow!

And today here it is–a check for $1500! Can you see me doing my happy dance to Tom Tom Club?

New Poetry Book Arrives!

22 Oct

Just in time for the Women’s Conference in Long Beach on Monday, I have 108 signed limited edition copies of my new poetry book, Middle of the Night Poems From Daughter to Mother :: Mother to Son (en theos press). I also put my “chop” on it: a special jade stamp the traditional red wax with my name in Chinese.

The signed limited edition published for the Women’s Conference will be available at the Devone Designs Perfect Fit Jewelry display in the WE Programs area in the Village part of the exhibit area of the Long Beach Convention Center.

The chapbook comes in two covers, 54 of each. Both covers feature a photo by Alan Sailer–one of a shooting star and the second of a red tent like shape.

Middle of the Night is also available from en theos press for $12 plus shipping and handling or from me for $10!

You can order the regular bound edition now for $12; it will be available in time for holiday giving.

Or buy a chapbook from me and a bound edition now for $15 (plus $2 shipping and handling.)

Thank you for buying my book and reading my work!

New Write Alley Bookmarks & Biz Cards in time for Women’s Conference!

21 Oct

Ahh, the company I will be keeping! Here’s a screen shot of the page for speakers at the Night at the Village at the Women’s Conference Monday, Oct. 25.

And yes, there I am! How exciting!

Obviously, for an event as HUGE as this, I needed new business cards and materials to promote my business!

And since I have a new poetry collection coming out in a special edition for the occasion, I decided to do bookmarks with information on the book on one side and information on the business on the other.

At the last minute, I was able to recruit friends and graphic artists Borbala Arvai to help me on my business card and the business side of the book mark while Tracy Hudak did the book side of the bookmark. Tracy was also a huge help in paring down the text to the essentials to show off the stunning photograph by Alan Sailer of a shooting star which is on the cover of the book as well.

This afternoon, we sent the files over to Matt Faussett at Fausett Printing; my brother’s high school surfing buddy promises to have them done by close of business tomorrow, Friday.

I am so grateful to my friends. I couldn’t get this book and these materials together so quickly without them. Thank You!

PS Order your copy of the book Middle of the Night Poems From Daughter to Mother  Mother to Son from Tod at en theos press today!


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