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Inspiration & Perspiration: Deepak Chopra & the Divine Feminine at the Women’s Conference

1 Nov

Here it is Monday November 1 already, Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead. Did it feel to you like October flew past in a blur? I know it did for me as I was busy getting ready for and then attending the Women’s Conference.

Last Monday, I was at the Terrace Theater at the Long Beach Convention Center surrounded by thousands of women –yes mostly women, and literally thousands of them. That’s because I was at the sold out Governor’s Women’s Conference which Maria Shriver hosts for 10,000 women–and where I spoke later that day.

Because of some complications, I wasn’t able to get in in time to hear First Lady Maria Shriver. And I’m really disappointed I missed Her Holiness Shinso Ito, Head of The Shinnyo Sangha in Japan because I was called to a rehearsal for the Style Network “How Do I Look” makeover.

But I did hear
Deepak Chopra, and I was able to take some notes on my laptop until I had to run off (I even took off my shoes to run!)

Here’s some of what I learned from Deepak Chopra’s presentation on the Divine Feminine. You can also go to the Women’s Conference site to see a video of the various events. (more…)