Seth Godin’s Linchpins Meet: Ventura Sunday 9/12 7pm

10 Sep

Seth Godin’s latest book  Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?. has readers and fans riled up in a way that none of his previous books have: It’s inspiring people around the world to join forces in spontaneous and organic ways.

Is Godin just smart marketer? Or is it the message he promotes?

I’d argue that he’s an inspiring writer with a meaningful message which urges readers to be so passionate about everything they do that they become indispensable.

And if what you’re doing doesn’t ignite your passion, go find something that does–both for your own good and for the good of the world.

At least that’s my take on Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?., supported in part by Hugh McLeod’s review  where he writes:

In his best-known book, Purple Cow, Seth’s message was, “Everyone’s a marketer now.” In All Marketers Are Liars, his message was, “Everyone’s a storyteller now.” In Tribes, his message was, “Everyone’s a leader now.”

And from Linchpin?

“Everyone’s an artist now.”

By Seth’s definition, an artist is not just some person who messes around with paint and brushes, an artist is somebody who does (and I LOVE this term) “emotional work.”

Work that you put your heart and soul into. Work that matters. Work that you gladly sacrifice all other alternatives for.

Learn more here about Seth Godin’s ideas by reading his blog:

Here’s a specific blog post which includes a Linchpin talk Godin gave in April 2010 and a transcript of it.

People around the world are so inspired by  Linchpin that they are forming groups and meeting to connect. talk, plan. A retreat is in the works to gather far-flung Linchpins together.

Start or join a local Linchpin group and discover who is changing the game in town.

If you’re in the Ventura area, join the Linchpins Ventura Facebook group here: or meet face to face 7pm Sunday night Sept. 12 at Candlelight on Santa Clara at the ocean end of the fountain that starts at the Mission. Two of the organizers photographer and blogger David Pu’u and Donna of Betty Belts (in photo by David Pu’u).

Here’s a photo of a previous Ventura Linchpin gathering, also by David Pu’u. Don’t expect a traditional networking group where you attempt to work the room. Instead, this is a gathering of local folks with progressive ideas committing to work together in a passionate way.

See you there!

Want more Seth Godin? Here are two more posts of mine instigated by Seth Godin’s book  Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?.

Seth Godin on Writer’s Block
Seth Godin on Blog Fatigue

And I’m working on a post about his previous book, Tribes which I reread recently. I hope to have it up soon!

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