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Contract Between Writing Coach & Client

23 Jun

It’s important in a coaching contract to recognize that both parties have responsibilities and to articulate those responsibilities to make coaching a success. Here’s a a starting place. What would you like to see added or changed?

What The Write Alley Writing Coach undertakes:

1. I will not solve your problems.
2. I will work to help you make the changes that you choose
3. I will help you develop the skills you wish to master.
4. I will treat you with respect and consideration.
5. I will regularly review your progress.
6. I will keep your personal contact information private.
7. I will not disclose information about you

What The Write Alley Client undertakes:

1. I take full responsibility for resolving my own problems.
2. I will be punctual for sessions and give notice of cancellation.
3. I will pay the session fee if I cancel a session with less than 24 hours notice.
4. I will complete assigned exercises and homework
5. If I do not complete my work, my coaching may be terminated.
6. I will pay all fees, in full, at time of session or in advance.
7. When I am ready to end coaching, I will have a closure session.

It is also important to know the difference between coaching and therapy because a coach is not a therapist and a therapist is not a coach. This will be discussed in a upcoming post.