Tag Archives: Triiibes

Triiibes Retreat: OPUS NOVUM

17 Mar

On to the next session at the Triiibes retreat: Investing In Ideas That Change the World  by Opus Novum  with Florian Selch in the house and Dr. Khalid Al-Ali online.

Dr. Al-Ali starts with the foundation of how to form an organization that can change the world: you need good people, open mindshare, mutual collaboration, and positive impact.

Which begs the question: who are good people? how do we find them and bring them together? You build a magnet using these principles:
1) make it simple
2) place trust and loyalty first
3) give before you take—nothing can be placed in a closed hand
4) honor the mentor/apprentice tradition
5) seek collaborative community
—without this, your employees will see you as a paycheck
6) apply social norms
7) favor wealth creation over wealth collection
8) be a positive change agent

An organization needs structures supporting people instead of people serving structures (the brand etc, the people behind the logo).

People who want to be more involved with this organization can apply to be a fellow.


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