Tuesday Tips: On Vacation!

12 Jul

Last Tuesday, July 5 I didn’t post a tip– I was deep in the heart of Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming and in the rush to get packed and leave from home, I didn’t get anything written and scheduled to post.

Today we emerged from remote areas of Yellowstone National Park. We’ve been camping since Saturday July 2 and most of the time we haven’t had wireless or cell phone service!

Tomorrow my husband flies from Pocatello Idaho to home and back to work while my son and I head off to research a book about winery life, starting with the Snake River AVA.

When I get a chance, I will be posting about our Utah, Idaho and Wyoming adventures over on Art Predator and posting about the various wineries we visit over on Wine Predator. And of course I invite you to subscribe and follow along!

If you can’t wait, check out my twitter feed–I’ve been posting tweets and photos as I can along the way.

So if you can’t take a vacation, take a virtual one with me!

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