So “How Do I Look?”

25 Oct

Today was the BIG DAY, the day of the Style Network “How Do I Look” show’s big reveal of myself and three other women at the Women’s Conference in Long Beach, California.

It was also the “Day of Transformation and Healing” at the Women’s Conference with lots of amazing speakers including Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins.

Unfortunately, I was only able to get a very small taste of the  Women’s Conference. (More on that in a later blog post; a blog post from my notes from the opening session with Deepak Chopra will be posted soon).

My experience with the Style Network brought me quite a few surprises: on Sunday, I went from a natural blond to a brunette and on Monday, during the segment on the Main Stage in front of a thousand or so people, they gave me $1500 worth of office furniture (!) and a week’s worth of professional clothing.

And I was able to hand a copy of my new poetry book, Middle of the Night Poems From Daughter to Mother:: Mother to Son” to Maria Shriver who is a mother to four children herself (two boys, two girls) and who recently lost her own mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.

So “How Do I Look”? Decide for yourself! The top photo is myself with Jeannie Mai on stage; check out the shoes! I can’t imagine ever wearing them again, but they sure did make an impression on stage! (And doesn’t Jeannie look amazing! What a woman!)

The middle photo is of the women who also received makeovers plus Jeannie Mai.

Finally, check out this video by Talia Wunder of Devone Designs–she’s the one who created the beautiful necklace and earrings I’m wearing.

While I missed out on most of what went on today (and chickened out of giving a copy of my book to Jane Fonda who was backstage when we were!), tomorrow is another day–the Main Event featuring amazing women from Oprah to the poet Mary Oliver to Supreme Court Justices and California governor candidates to the first lady Michelle Obama to Maria Shriver herself!

So here’s to live blogging tomorrow’s events!


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2 Responses to “So “How Do I Look?””


    1. So “How Do I Look?” (via The Write Alley) « art predator - October 29, 2010

      [...] You wake up one day blonde, the next day a brunette…life is full of surprises–you just never know what to expect and you just have to roll with it it seems. This blog post talks about a few surprises from yesterday’s Women’s Conference hosted by Maria Shriver in Long Beach California. Today was the BIG DAY, the day of the Style Network “How Do I Look” show’s big reveal of myself and three other women at the Women’s Conference in Long Beach, California. It was also the “Day of Transformation and Healing” at the Women’s Conference with lots of amazing speakers including Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins. Unfortunately, I was only able to get a very small taste of the conference. (More on that in a later blog post; a blog post from … Read More [...]

    2. The Write Alley 2010 in Review: Wow! « The Write Alley - January 9, 2011

      [...] So “How Do I Look?” October 2010 1 comment and 1 Like on, [...]

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